Cytek Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Cytek Investor Day Presentation Deck

We Provide an End-to-End Platform of FSP Solutions Aurora Cell Sorter Specificity CD3 CD14 CD45 Violet Instruments Fluorochrome cFluor V420 cFluor V450 cFluor V547 CYTEK TRANSCEND THE CONVENTIONAL 0 Specificity CD8 CCR7 IgD CD45RA CD19 CD25 Blue Northern Lights Han Fluorochrome cFluor B515 cFluor BYG575 cFluor BYG667 Automatic sample loader cFluor 8690 cFluor BYG710 cFluor BYG781 Specificity CD127 CD16 CD56 CD4 Viability CD27 Red Fluorochrome cFluor R659 cFluor R668 cFluor R720 cFluor R780 ViaDye Red cFluor R840 Services & Application Support Reagents and Kits 2000 CYTER FULL SPECTRUM 5-LASER CYTOMETRY AT A GLANCE CYTEK CYTEK SELAS Dimensionality Reduction CYTEK Data Acquisition and Analysis Software 97
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