Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy slide image

Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy

Rationale for investing in battery recycling. Raw material Li chemicals Lithium Australia NL Recycling Batteries Company subsidiary Envirostream is a first-mover business, being the only Australian entity able to recover MMD from EOL LIBS. Envirostream has established a comprehensive and constantly expanding network for the collection and recycling of all types of EOL batteries in Australasia. ■ Lithium Australia has developed proprietary process technology that reduces the steps required to manufacture cathode powder for new LIBS from the MMD recovered by Envirostream from EOL LIBS. Already, ever-increasing amounts of EOL LIBS are creating a global disposal problem collectively, Lithium Australia and Envirostream consider a real opportunity on several fronts. ◉ - one that, ■ The Lithium Australia/Envirostream alliance aims to facilitate - and greatly enhance - a circular battery economy by establishing an ethical and sustainable supply of battery materials while concomitantly reducing negative impacts on the environment from mining and EOL battery disposal. ■ There is strong traction from both governments and battery producers/retailers for an Australian stewardship programme to support EOL battery recycling. Envirostream has signed non-disclosure agreements with sundry potential partners for the establishment of additional recycling facilities within Australia, as well as offshore. In line with the Company's commitment to sound environmental, social and governance (i.e. ESG) principles, Lithium Australia and Envirostream have formed a battery recycling business ideally positioned to dominate the collection, refining and re-birthing of energy metals within Australia and beyond. 18 August 2020 Copyright 2020, Lithium Australia NL
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