The TOMRA Transformation Journey
Application fit
Confirming our
leading position in
Lane sorting is a fast-growing adjacent segment with a ~8% historical CAGR and strong future outlook
Key market trends drive further growth, especially in the developing markets as a substitute for manual labor
as we see wages increase
The industry is yet to mature and fully industrialize
Geographic expansion: Utilizing the different footprint and strengths in certain markets
Stronger in China together
TOMRA is currently present in processed fruit and vegetables, Compac serves as a "natural" expansion also
into fresh fruit
Lane and Bulk Sorting cater to same client needs, but offers complimentary functionality
Possibility to create a comprehensive Food Sorting solution provider
First mover advantage in combining Lane and Belt sorting: TOMRA to be the first company, which is active in
all technology platforms used for sensor-based sorting of Food
Potential in data capability, IoT and solution development
Combine current offering: Bulk presorter in front of lanes
Mutual benefits
Potato business: Utilizing TSS strength in potatoes and the upcoming demand for sizing
Complimentary fit within food traceability and food safety (emerging demand)
Strong potential. Ongoing and planned business improvement initiatives and funding to get in shape
Strong brand name, recognized as the technology leader (Spectrim)
Why Compac
Established complimentary footprint in the US, NZ, Australia and Latin America
Good platform for growth
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