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International Presence and Activities

FINANCIAL FIGURES BALANCE SHEET STRUCTURE Individual Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2020 EUR mln EUR mln 18,741 Cash and cash equivalents 1,572 Due to Banks 205 Due from other Banks 18,741 171 -> Due to Customers 12,978 Due from Customers 14,724 Debt Securities in issue Subordinated Debt Other Financial Assets Other Assets 1,887 353 Assets -> Balance Sheet (BS) is showing strong performance in commercial and sales area supporting the growth in Loans and Client Deposits Due to Customers are driven by both Retail and Corporate deposits with main focus on retail Financial Assets consist mainly of Slovak, Italian Government bonds and other EU state and covered bonds Due from other Banks represent placements of excess liquidity mainly in Group banks Due to Banks comprise long term funding from EIB, EBRD, Short and Mid Term deposits from ISP Milano 3,423 Other Liabilities Equity 200 1,693 276 Liabilities Debt Securities in Mortgage/Covered Bonds issue represent issued Development Balance Sheet Due from Customers +8.0% 17,361 18,741 4Q2019 4Q2020 +4.6% Due to Customers Debt Securities in issue +9.0% +9.7% 14,078 14,724 11,905 12,978 3,121 3,423 4Q2019 Source: Individual financial statements as of 31 December 2020 4Q2020 4Q2019 4Q2020 4Q2019 4Q2020 27
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