KASIKORNBANK Economic and Subsidiaries Performance Overview slide image

KASIKORNBANK Economic and Subsidiaries Performance Overview

K KASIKORNTHAI KBTG Buildings and Awards HONGODB 2023 APAC INNOVATION AMARD WINNER Customer-Focused KBTG MongoDB. APAC INNOVATION ARD WINNER Customer Focused Recognition & Awards MongoDB APAC Innovation Award in Customer-Focused category for MAKE by KBank for utilizing the company's technology to develop the platform KBTG Main Building ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK EMPLOYE Employee Excellence ERIE Award Best Remote Management ARDS Strategy (Silver) category for exceptional SPOR management and support of our employees Hu Res to Work From Anywhere during and after COVID K+ Building K-Stadium at KBTG Main Building BOX Creative Box for small meetings BELL 05 04 SO Innovation Center K บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ K K+ Building: City-based KBTG office with co-working spaces Shared Working Space "Hackathon" Hall 47 47 . K KASIKORNTHAI Proactive Risk & Compliance Management Value Enabler Partner with business and provide effective integrated risk solutions Key Capabilities ธนาคารกสิกรไทย 开泰银行 KASIKORNBANK • Predictive and integrated customer segment-based credit analytics Intelligent fraud management in all key business processes • Effective risk management execution for business partners, 3rd parties Enabling customers for ESG Transformation ◉ Credit risk analytics & integrated credit portfolio planning & monitoring Enhanced fraud analytics & incident management ■ Customer data protection Value Protector Strengthen & secure our business to be resilient and sustainable • Prudent risk-based provision and capital management Early error detection through effective quality assurance and fraud management and Ensuring No Surprises • Effective and proactive Operational Risk and compliance management • Customer data governance and management Organization-wide prudent risk culture Agile way of working and delivering integrated risk solutions บริการทุกระดับประทับใจ 48
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