Investor Presentation February 2024 slide image

Investor Presentation February 2024

Allowance on Performing Loans (APL) and PCL on Performing Loans (PCL) Q4 23 APL¹ Q1 24 Q1 24 Foreign Q1 24 By Operating Group & Other ($MM) Allowance and Provision on Performing Loans PCL² exchange APL¹ APL to Performing Loans³ (bps) • • The $154 million provision for credit losses on performing loans in the current quarter was primarily driven by portfolio credit migration and model updates Sale on RV loan portfolio reduced APL by $87MM Appropriate coverage on performing loans at 55 bps Personal & Business Banking 958 72 1 1,031 50 Coverage Ratios Commercial Banking 378 (15) (17) 346 32 51 53 54 55 Total Canadian P&C 1,336 57 (16) 1,377 43 45 36 Personal & Business Banking 442 87 (111) 418 103 Commercial Banking 1,299 20 (49) 1,270 81 Q4'19 Total U.S. P&C 1,741 107 (160) 1,688 86 Q1'23 Q2'23 Q3'23 Q4'23 Q1'24 Allowance on Performing Loans Ratio (bps)³ BMO Wealth Management 41 10 8 59 14 4.10 4.25 3.42 2.98 BMO Capital Markets 351 (33) (25) 293 35 2.15 2.39 Corporate Services5 115 13 (1) 127 n.m. Q4'19 Total 3,584 154 (194) 3,544 55 Q1'23 Allowance on performing loans over trailing 4-quarter PCL on impaired loans Q2'234 Q3'234 Q4'234 Q1'244 n.m. - not meaningful Prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform with the current period presentation 2 Q1'24 PCL includes a PCL on other assets of $7MM and excludes PCL on securities of $1MM 1 Q4 23 and Q1'24 includes APL on other assets of $12MM and $19MM, respectively and excludes APL on securities of $6MM and $7MM respectively 3 Allowance on performing loans over total gross performing loans and acceptances, expressed in basis points 4 Trailing 4-quarter PCL on impaired loans for Q2'23 - Q1'24 includes annualized Bank of the West PCL 5 Effective the first quarter of 2024, provisions for credit losses related to our Canadian and U.S. indirect retail auto financing business, previously reported in Personal and Commercial Banking, are reported in Corporate Services BMOM Investor Presentation ⚫ February 2024 30
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