Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis slide image

Corporate Bond Portfolio and Investment Analysis

Unrivalled Distribution: Strategic Profitable Partnerships Excellent Growth in 1H23 Partnerships VONB ($m) 328 +62% Extensive Distribution Footprint with High-Quality Bank Partners Long-Term Strategic Partnerships Leading Bank Partners in Local Markets | >80m customers 532 BEA東亞銀行 cíti Bangkok Bank BCA PUBLIC BANK VPBank ASB 1H22 1H23 Differentiated Model: Mainland China £>600m retail customers POSTAL SAVINGS BANK OF CHINA Highly Complementary Strategy AIA China: Affluent target market segment China Post Life: Mass market segment +38% Bancassurance VONB +165% IFA VONB Long-Term Strategic Partnerships 20 years Average duration excluding joint ventures Notes: VONB comparative is shown on a constant exchange rate basis (1) Digital leads from strategic bank partners (2) On an actual exchange rate basis End-to-End Digital Enablement BPI Commonwealth Bank Digitally-led Model: India AXIS BANK सेन्ट्रल बैंक ऑफ इंडिया Central Bank of India 1911 में जापके लिए "केद्रित" "CENTRAL TO YOU SINCE 1951 ALA CITY UNION BANK CUB DBS HDFC BANK IndusInd Bank 6 bank partners | >165m bank customers 25% ANP from digital leads in 1H23(1) Proven Execution >12x VONB growth since IPO(2) 6
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