Moody's Corporate Overview and Financial Outlook slide image

Moody's Corporate Overview and Financial Outlook

Revenue $ Millions Corporate Overview | MIS Business Conditions | MA Business Conditions | Financial Review and Outlook | Appendix Growth in Public, Project & Infrastructure Finance Revenue To Be Driven by Infrastructure Spending Revenue Mix: Public, Project & Infrastructure Issuance: U.S. Municipal Bonds 60 Finance 80 160 140 60 60 40 40 Issuance $ Billions 120 100 80 60 20 20 40 20 0 0 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 Public Finance Municipal Structured Products Project & Infrastructure Finance Historical data has been adjusted to conform with current information 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 Build America Bond (BAB) Issuance Long-Term U.S. Municipal Bond Issuance (ex. BABS) Source: Bond Buyer Revenue from U.S. municipal finance bonds is included in the Public Finance segment. Debt issuance categories do not directly correspond to Moody's revenue categorization » Strong 2010 U.S. public finance activity was driven by economic stimulus plan-related issuance, including Build America Bonds >> Higher infrastructure spending outside the U.S. expected to generate growth in 2011 MOODY'S MARCH 1, 2011 9
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