Investment Spotlight: Shepherds Flat slide image

Investment Spotlight: Shepherds Flat

Overview of Brookfield Renewable Brookfield We are a global clean energy supermajor, with integrated operating platforms on four continents with operating, development and power marketing expertise PORTFOLIO SYMBOL & MARKET CAP BROOKFIELD PARTICIPATION Operational: ~21 GW Pipeline: ~62 GW NYSE: BEP, BEPC TSX: BEP.UN, BEPC ~$23B1 CAPITALIZATION -48% Equity Interest; GP & Manager DISTRIBUTION PROFILE Credit Rating BBB+ Current Distribution $1.28 per unit Average debt term 13 years Target Annual Growth 5-9% to maturity Implied Yield² ~3.5% Available Liquidity $4.1B 1) Combined market capitalization of BEP and BEPC. Based on the NYSE closing prices on December 31, 2021. 2) Based on the average closing prices of BEP and BEPC on December 31, 2021. 3
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