1Q21 Investor Update slide image

1Q21 Investor Update

PREPARED FOR LAUNCH AND MANUFACTURING RAMP 22nd Century is positioned to manufacture VLNⓇ cigarettes in commercial quantities through existing facility footprint. Fully Prepared For Commercial Launch of VLNⓇ ✓ Launch-ready for commercial sales within 90 days of FDA MRTP authorization Identified both initial and subsequent markets for launch Advanced discussions with multiple trade and retail partners Advancing marketing materials and other important aspects of the launch Test, measure, and refine to maximize commercial success of VLNⓇ Manufacturing Geared For Strong Commercial Launch .. BE 62,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in NC; expanded VLNⓇ planting program in 2021 22nd Century Group, Inc. Manufacturing capacity ~1% of the U.S. tobacco market; increasing to ~3% with minimal investment FDA inspected and cleared as part of the Premarket Tobacco Application (PMTA) process Subsequent Participating Manufacturer of the Master Settlement Agreement Internalizing nicotine content test capabilities - 90% cost reduction, results in 1 day vs. 2 to 4 weeks 8
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