Half-Year 2022 Financial and Clinical Trials Update slide image

Half-Year 2022 Financial and Clinical Trials Update

HY 2022: Non-core and IFRS income Decrease in non-core operating expenses driven by lower amortisation of intangible assets due to Esbriet and lower costs for global restructuring plans 2021 2022 Change in % CHFM CHFM CHFM CHF CER Core operating profit 11,652 12,668 1,017 +9 +9 Global restructuring plans -511 -265 246 Amortisation of intangible assets -830 -468 362 Impairment of intangible assets¹ -165 -423 -258 M&A and alliance transactions -37 17 54 Legal & Environmental² -32 19 51 Total non-core operating items -1,575 -1,120 455 IFRS Operating profit 10,077 11,547 1,469 +15 +15 Total financial result & taxes -1,861 -2,386 -525 IFRS net income 8,216 9,161 944 +12 +12 CER = Constant Exchange Rates; 1 incl. goodwill; 2 incl. pension plan settlements Roche 61
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