Moody's Corporate Overview and Financial Outlook slide image

Moody's Corporate Overview and Financial Outlook

Revenue $ Millions Corporate Overview | MIS Business Conditions | MA Business Conditions | Financial Review and Outlook | Appendix Historical MIS Revenue and Issuance Corporate Finance Revenue Mix: Corporate Finance Issuance: Global Investment Grade and High Yield Bonds and U.S. Bank Loans 600 1,600 1,400 500 1,200 400 300 200 Issuance $ Billions 1,000 800 600 400 100 200 0 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 MOODY'S Other - including monitoring, CP, MTNS Investment Grade Speculative Grade Bank Loans Historical data has been adjusted to conform with current information Global Investment-Grade Bond Issuance ■Global Speculative-Grade Bond Issuance U.S. Bank Loans Source: Moody's Capital Markets Research Group, Dealogic U.S. Bank Loan issuance represents rated new U.S. bank loan programs Debt issuance categories do not directly correspond to Moody's revenue categorization MARCH 1, 2011 31
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