Nordnet 9M 2021 Financial Overview slide image

Nordnet 9M 2021 Financial Overview

Sea North Cape Vorkuta Surgu Russian Fed eland Norweg lands land Is. Norway Sustainability focus areas A responsible and sustainable business DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH M RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION QO PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS Equality and diversity GENDER EQUALITY DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Arkhangelsk Ukhta Oslo Sweden Finland) Helsinki Practice transparency, compliance and a high ethical standard ā˜ Reduce our direct impact on the environment and climate. Promote physical and mental health through a good working environment United Kin REDUCED INEQUALITIES North Denma ā˜ A better gender distribution within savings & investments A workplace characterized by gender equality and diversity Create a meaningful professional future for young people Develop user-friendly and inspirational digital services for saving and investments Become the leading platform in the Nordics for sustainable savings QUALITY EDUCATION DECENT WORK AND INDUSTRY, INNOVATION ECONOMIC GROWTH AND INFRASTRUCTURE Increase the general knowledge about personal finances Democratize savings and investments Nordnet
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