Growth and Profitability Strategy slide image

Growth and Profitability Strategy

World-class board Diverse, independent and highly qualified board Diverse Independent 8 experienced directors with diverse skill sets: Refreshed¹ new directors appointed in 4 the last year are independent, including 7 our Chair directors have been senior 7 executives of major public companies directors have technology experience directors have specific 5 expertise in Yelp key categories² 5 Men: 5 Women: 3 Employee directors: 1 >2 years: 4 Independent directors: 7 1-2 years: 3 <1 year: 1 Reflects the resignation of Mariam Naficy and the appointment of Christine Barone, who will join the Board of Directors effective March 1, 2020 2Includes Restaurants, Hospitality and Home Services About Yelp Market Opportunity Strategy Capital Allocation Governance Financial Results 26
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