Flutter Results Presentation Deck slide image

Flutter Results Presentation Deck

Financial Review ...Providing platform to rapidly delever and expand balance sheet capacity Leverage ratio Net Debt EBITDA Cash flow generation -Leverage US profitability materially reduced leverage in H1 3.9x 4,644 1,182 FY 2022 3.3x 4,634 1,409 H1 20231 I 1 1 1 I T I 11 I T T I I I T I T I 1 I I Guidance implies further reduction before considering H2 cash generated 2.8x FY 2023² ¹ Reflects pro forma Adjusted EBITDA for trailing twelve months to 30 June 2023 2 Based on midpoint of EBITDA guidance range included on slide 20 3 Gross debt reflects that carrying amount of Group borrowings plus associated derivatives. See further detail on slide 46 I I I ● ● ● Strong EBITDA growth reducing leverage Net debt of £4.6bn at 30 June (gross debt of £5.3bn³) H2 weighted average cost of debt expected to be c. 6.7% c. 50% of gross debt facilities fixed to September 2024. Additional c. 20% of floating rate debt offset by Group's interest-bearing cash II. F 18
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