Microsoft Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck slide image

Microsoft Mergers and Acquisitions Presentation Deck

Organizational insights & transformation Today, organizations have limited ability to understand their own team's capability or productivity. In the future, we can give leaders the insight they need to understand their talent (like who they are, where they come from, where they go next) as well as their employees' effectiveness (like where they spend time and who they collaborate with). This combination will enable organizations to transform. Growth opportunity LinkedIn Recruiter Revenue Office 365 Revenue Dynamics Revenue 个 SPORTLIS 34% response rate Designerulers in the Tech Induttry maging the same talent pool average a response rate of 15- Candidate response for Me (Sarah Vaughan) for Last quarter et more responses from thirtean y at Twitter notable departure industry. Understanding the talent landscape CLAS our highest responding comp C JOMIL 29% Talent Brand Empletion comptyverage Custom Reports powe Hat you lovia ner slaytheon Station by Complete yours have had success with E ww bas Q TI 93 Ⓒ24 the custod po POR 9 55 opened vious New) Search for co-workers, content and more... You are meeting with Aaron Jacobs Today at 2:00p Aaron Jacobs Vice President of Marketing at Conto Aaron was promoted to Vice President three weeks ago Hosted a session at Global Leadership Conference about Culture and the Employee Mindset You and Aaron both went to University of Michigan Related to a meeting with Mandy Chang Newsled Culture is King Alex Malay CEO at CPA Australia Your shared OneNote notebook has been 2017 Planning and Prioritization More 18
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