Cytek Investor Day Presentation Deck slide image

Cytek Investor Day Presentation Deck

Spectral flow cytometry Traditional flow cytometers use single lasers to excite a fluorochrome, and detects fluorescence in narrow bandwidths using dichroic mirrors, filters and PMTs. cyan laser Spectral flow cytometry collects 488 nm fluorochrome data as complete spectra using multichannel PMTs or multiplex APD or SiPM arrays. Rather than compensation, it uses spectral unmixing or deconvolution to separate fluorescent probes (similar to confocal microscopy). D V16 V15 V14 V13 V12 V11 V10 V9 Detectors V8 V4 V3 DS DS 10⁰- SSC 10- PerCP Cy5.5 488 10 710/50 PE 680LP 552 LP 575/26 PE TxRed ultraviolet 355 nm 610/20 595 LP 635 LP 670/30 505 LP Spectral flow uses all lasers to excite all fluorochromes (not just the most optimal one) and collects the full spectra of each fluorochrome from all laser sources. The data is far more granular and allows better spectral separation that traditional compensation. 750 LP PE-Cy5 530/30 √3 VA √5 AF488 Her 780/60 Hempty, PE-Cy7 Positive Alexa Fluor 488 (Cells) violet 405 nm cell number Channel M AF488 fluorescence (530/30 nm) blue 488 nm Alexa Fluor 488 yellow 561 nm red 640 nm
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