Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck slide image

Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck

Allergan's Board is Characterized by Long Tenures, Low Stock Ownership, and Weak Governance Name Shareholder proposal passed at 2014 AGM to separate CEO/Chairman roles David E.I. Pyot Michael R. Gallagher Deborah Dunsire, M.D. Trevor M. Jones, Ph.D. Louis J. Lavigne, Jr. Peter J. McDonnell, M.D. Timothy D. Proctor Russell T. Ray Henri A. Termeer Source (1) Title I ICEO/Chairman I Lead Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Board Tenure (Y) Age Lengthy tenure may impact independence and objectivity 16 16 10 9 1 0 60 68 51 71 65 55 64 66 68 Shares Held Committees Shares Audit / Corp. Org. & Sci. & (000's) % 0/S Finance Gov. Comp. Tech. T I 1 T 1 234.2 39.2 38.0 1 7.51 20.0 5.61 5.6 27.2 1 I 251 <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% -0.1% -0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% No "skin in the game", limited alignment with investors M M M с CH T M [1 M C M M M M C M M % Votes 91.4% 66.7% 95.0% 88.5% 94.9% 88.3% 94.0% 94.2% 95.0% Members of Corporate Governance Committee received lower than average shareholder support at the 2014 AGM 2014 AGM ISS Rec. FOR FOR FOR AGAINST AGAINST FOR FOR FOR FOR M² FOR GL Rec. FOR FOR AGAINST! FOR AGAINST FOR FOR FOR Name te tenure, age and committees per Allergan's proxy statement filed with the SEC March 20 2014 Shares held per FactSet 55 recommendation per Apel 23, 2014 155 report Glass Lewis recommendation per Apri 13, 2014 Guss Lewis report and vote results per Alergan's Form 8-K fed with the SEC May 9. 2014 155 recommended AGAINST the re-election of Mr Gallagher at the 2014 AGM for failing as Corporate Governance and Compliance Committee Chair to fully implement a shareholder proposal that received majority support at the 2013 AGM to amend the corporate charter to allow shareholders to act by written consent Athough the Board did indude such a proposal at the 2014 AGM #included a restriction imting agenda tems and a requirement that 25 percent of the outstanding shares are required to request a record date 22
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