BioNTech Results Presentation Deck
Q2 and H1 2022 COVID-19 Vaccine Revenues
€3.2 bn
€2.0 bn
€0.6 bn
€0.6 bn
Q2 2022
€9.5 bn
€6.6 bn
€1.7 bn
€1.2 bn
H1 2022
Share of gross profit from COVID-19 vaccine sales in the
Pfizer and Fosun Pharma territory (100% gross margin)
Direct COVID-19 vaccine sales to customers in BioNTech's
COVID-19 vaccine sales to collaboration partners of products
manufactured by BioNTech
Q2 2022 revenues in line with our expectations
1 BioNTech's profit share is estimated based on preliminary data shared between Pfizer and BioNTech as further described in the Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021
as well as the Quarterly Report as of and for the three and six months ended June 30, 2022, filed as an exhibit to BioNTech's Current Report on Form 6-K filed on August 8, 2022. Any changes in the
estimated share of the collaboration partner's gross profit will be recognized prospectively.
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