Uber Investor Day Presentation Deck
Our quick commerce partnerships complement our
on-demand marketplace value proposition
We're taking a partnership-first
approach to offer consumers the
benefits of quick commerce while
remaining asset light.
Leveraging this approach, we have
successfully onboarded 480+
locations across 7 countries in Year 1,
with more in the pipeline.
Uber I Investor Day 2022
Carrefour Sprint partnership in France, launched October 2021
15-min delivery of +2K SKUs
including fresh produce
5:37 1
Carrefour (
Group order
15 MIN
Carrefour Sprint - Paris 11
*4.8 (367 ratings). Grocery. C.
10-20 min-1,49€ Delivery Fee
Tap for hours, address, and more
Q Search 2661 items
Petit Dej et Brunch
Delivery Fee. This restaurant isn't too far, so the
delivery fee is 1,49€
Prêt à manger
Top ventes
Prévention Covid 19
Eaux, Jus, Sodas
Uber Eats
You're saving 17%
Live in 8 cities across 20+
locations in France
20%+ of new verticals order
volume in Paris¹
● Users order 60% more per week
on Uber after ordering from
Carrefour Sprint²
1. Based on data from December 2021.
2. Based on data for users 10 weeks post first Carrefour Sprint trip.
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