Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck slide image

Pershing Square Activist Presentation Deck

Valuation - Long-Term Model Assuming Valeant de-levers and maintains 3.5 turns of leverage, allocates free cash flow to acquisitions, and grows at a rate reflective of the strength of its franchises, the stock is tremendously undervalued ▸ Assumptions: $7.25bn of 2016 EBITDA (assumes ~50% of Philidor profit contribution is lost) ■ 7.5% organic EBITDA CAGR 2016-2020 ■ De-levers to 3.5x LTM EBITDA and 6% cost of debt ■ 10% 2020 tax rate ■ Use of excess cash flow to make acquisitions at 7x Pro-Forma EBITDA • Maximum $10bn of acquisitions per year Remaining free cash flow, if any, used to buyback stock at 15x LTM EPS High return potential : 2020 EPS Forward Multiple 2019 Value (Year End) Discounted Present Value (@10%) Return From Current Share Price ($111.50) $ $ 32 $ 12.0x $384 262 Ś 135% 32 $ 14.0x $448 306 $ 174% 32 16.0x $512 350 214% 33
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