Meyer Burger Investor Presentation slide image

Meyer Burger Investor Presentation

Balance sheet MEYER BURGER Solid balance sheet structure in TCHF Cash and cash equivalents 30.06 2018 in % 31.12. 2017 in % 101 972 124 700 Trade and other receivables 63 565 59 177 Cash, cash equivalents Decreased mainly due to increased net working capital (see next slide) Inventories 101 353 83 314 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 10 518 8 739 Total current assets 277 407 60.7% 275 930 58.7% Inventories Increased mainly due to lower prepayments attributed to inventories MCHF -14.0 Other long-term receivables 1 575 1 624 Property, plant and equipment 86 604 91 138 Intangible assets 15 497 24 380 Deferred tax assets 75 631 76 910 Total non-current assets 179 307 39.3% 194 052 41.3% Remaining MCHF 26.8 of convertible bond due Sep 2020 MCHF 24.9 in financial liabilities; rest split into equity component recognised in equity and transaction costs spread over remaining lifetime of bond MCHF 30 mortgage loan on building in Thun Equity ratio of 54.6% Increase in equity as result of the net profit contribution Current provisions Other current liabilities Total assets 456 715 100.0% 469 983 100.0% Current financial liabilities 490 328 Trade payables 32 112 29 970 Customer prepayments 61 863 67 065 14 872 15 883 38 719 50 691 Total current liabilities 148 057 32.4% 163 938 34.9% Non-current financial liabilities 55 813 57 128 Provisions 271 1 565 Deferred tax liabilities 806 1 364 Other non-current liabilities 2 604 3 031 Total non-current liabilities 59 494 13.0% 63 088 13.4% Equity incl. minority interests 249 163 54.6% 242 957 51.7% Total liabilities and equity 456 715 100.0% 469 983 100.0% 28 Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, Presentation for Investors, Analysts and Media
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