BioNTech Results Presentation Deck slide image

BioNTech Results Presentation Deck

5' Targeting of lymphoid DC for vaccine delivery & type I IFN activity 5' 1 SP Cap analogue 5' 5' 5' UTR BNT111 publication in Nature highlights NY-ESO-1 11 Tyrosinase MAGE-A3 Vaccine constructs Pre TPTE Post FDG PET P2, P16 3' UTR H-AAAA Linker MITD Poly(A) tail Spleen High Low IFN-a (pg ml-¹) IFN-Y (pg ml-¹) 200 150- 100- 50- 0 800 600- 400- 200 AAAA HAAAA Pre- AAAA 201 6hd 24 ht 48 h P26 24 24 0 7.2 14.4 29 50 75 Vaccine dose (ug) Blood Cytokines 100 IP-10 (pg ml-¹) Strong CD4+, CD8+ T cell responses Multifunctional CD8+ PD1+ T cells Ex vivo CD8 T cells in Blood 15 Multimer APC → PBL Patient 53-02 NY-ESO-1, Ex vivo 15- CD8+ (%) 99 10- O 0 3 TNF BV421->> N WAS 96-104 IFN-Y+ → IFN-Y+ TNF+ 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Days after treatment start Pre -Post- 4 NY-ESO-1 Pre (day -6) 0.00 0.04 3 4 5 IFN-Y PE-Cy7 0.02 5 CD8 8.37 0.58 6.78 94-104 HLA-B*3501 Post (day 76) 99.6 26.5 3 4 PD1 Objective responses in CPI-experienced melanoma patients with evaluable disease at baseline: ● ● ORR of BNT111 alone: 4/25 ORR of BNT111+ anti-PD1: 6/17 (35%) (CPI resensitizing activity of BNT111) Patient C2-31 Day upper lobe Right lung Right lung middle lobe -113 Pembrolizumab -71 -14 Vaccination 84 CECC Lung CT scans before & after BNT111 BIONTECH
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