Hydrafacial Results Presentation Deck slide image

Hydrafacial Results Presentation Deck

The treatment they ask for by name... 41% Brand awareness¹ rial 60% Conversion More than Botox¹ 24 The Hydratinial Hych Hydrafacial Hydralicial ...and recommend to their friends labelbill Hydrafacial™ TM 98% RealSelf "Worth It"Rating 55 Consumer Net Promoter Score² BEAUTYHEALTH™ Source: Ipsos and RealSelf 1. Base: Consumers of the aesthetic and professional beauty category (n=1001); Brand Aided Awareness. Conversion defined as % of respondents who are aware of and have tried a given brand 2. Consumers of the aesthetic and professional beauty category that have received a Hydrafacial (n=246); "On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend Hydrafacial to a friend or colleague?"
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