23andMe Investor Presentation Deck slide image

23andMe Investor Presentation Deck

23ME-00610 (23ME'610) Binds with High Affinity to CD200R1 and Inhibits Immunosuppressive Signaling 23ME '610 is a fully humanized, effectorless, IgG1 antibody against human CD200R1 23ME '610 binds CD200R1 with high affinity (K < 0.1 nM) 23ME '610 blocks CD200 ligand binding to CD200R1, resulting in inhibition of immunosuppressive signaling The restoration of T-cell activity by 23ME '610 was demonstrated using in vitro models of the tumor microenvironment No adverse effects of blocking CD200R1 have been observed in nonclinical toxicology studies *CD200-expressing cell types include tumor, stroma and endothelial IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin 23ME'610 Activates T-cell Function by Blocking the CD200R1 Checkpoint Tumor cell* Tumor cell* CD200 +23ME-00610 CD200R1 Copyright © 2023 23andMe, Inc. T cell IFNY ↓LL-2 Antitumor cytotoxicity T cell ↑ IFN TIL-2 ↑ Antitumor cytotoxicity 23andMe 42
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