Q1 Highlights and Growth Prospects slide image

Q1 Highlights and Growth Prospects

ENBRIDGE® All Forms of Energy Required Crude Oil Demand¹ (MMb/d) Industrial 80% of demand from hard to abate uses Industrial Natural Gas Demand¹ (Bcf/d) 21% Low-Carbon Investment Potential (Cumulative, USD Trillions)² Bioenergy (incl. RNG) CCUS 3 ■ Hydrogen Wind & Solar $25 Heavy Duty Vehicles Air/Marine Heavy Duty Vehicles Air/Marine Passenger Vehicles Passenger Vehicles Today 2040 . ⚫ Limited viable alternatives ⚫17% increase in petrochemical Today 2040 Coal displacement; high-capacity factors enable renewables demand • ⚫ Essential heating and cooking . $0.5 Today $10 2030 2040 Accelerated energy transition scenarios require significant investment • Must leverage existing infrastructure Significant investment and existing infrastructure will support affordable, reliable and sustainable energy (1) International Energy Agency (2021), World Energy Outlook 2021, Announced Pledges Scenario and company estimates (2) IEA World Energy Outlook - Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (3) CCUS - Carbon capture, utilization & storage 7
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