Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 slide image

Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021

We measure our progress against key metrics and targets Emissions GHG emission Scope 1 and 2 (market based) reductions against 2018 baseline Energy/Power portfolio emission¹ reductions Targets FY21 performance -86%A -22% / -8% -80% (2021) -15% / -30% (2025) Environment Social, environmental and sustainability-linked financing facilitated Financing & Investment Green financing facilitated £150bn (2018-2025) £193bn £100bn £62bn (2018-2030) Sustainable Impact Capital Programme £175m (2025) £54m 33% (20252) Females at Managing Director and Director level 28% (28% by 2021) 88 Colleagues Colleague engagement 'Maintain engagements 82% at healthy levels' Social Communities LifeSkills - Number of people upskilled 10m (2018-2022) 9.8m Females on the Board ≥33% 33%³ Board composition Ethnically diverse members of the Board 214 3 Governance ExCo composition Females on Group ExCo and ExCo direct reports 33% 25% A 2021 data reproduced from the Barclays PLC Annual Report subject to independent Limited Assurance under ISAE (UK)3000 and ISAE3410. Refer to the ESG Resource Hub for details:|1 Refers to absolute emissions (MtCO2) for Energy and emissions intensity (KgCO₂/MWh) for Power | 2 Newly announced Gender ambition | 3 With the appointment of Robert Berry (effective 8 February 2022), the percentage of females on the BPLC Board of Directors will decrease to 31% | 4 Aligned with the Parker Review on the ethnic diversity of UK Boards | 7 | Barclays ESG Investor Presentation 2021 | 23 February 2022 BARCLAYS
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