Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

13 SASB CONTENT INDEX Topic Protection and management of water resources Protection and management of water resources Emissions management / Prevention of pollution Energy security and contribution to access energy Accounting Metric (1) Total water withdrawn, (2) total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with high or extremely high baseline water stress Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks Amount of coal combustion residuals (CCR) generated, percentage recycled (1) System average interruption duration index (SAIDI), (2) system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI) and (3) customer average interruption duration index (CAIDI), inclusive of major event days IF-EU-1408.1 303-3; 303-4; 303-5 IF-EU-140a.3 303-1; 303-2 IF-EU-150a.1 306-3; 306-4; 306-5 IF-EU-550a.2 None BACK Code GRI Disclosure Page 109, 110 109 111 The availability index includes the non-availabilities due to scheduled (teip) and non-scheduled downtime (teif), when the plant is unavailable for total delivery of energy requested. To reach the annual result, monthly availabilities are weighted by the number of days of each month. NOS Availability 2018 2019 2020 Pecém II 96.3% 81.0% 98.3% Itaqui 91.4% 99.1% 97.3% Parnaíba I 96.3% 97.7% 90.5% Parnaíba II 93.5% 97.2% 94.8% Parnaíba III 97.2% 98.4% 97.4% Parnaíba IV 92.2% 96.1% 97.2% ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 PAGE 162
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