ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 slide image


14 Our performance ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 ANNUAL REPORT 2021-22 For the 2021-22 financial year, Territory Generation developed key performance indicators (KPIs) to define our strategic direction. Six key objective areas were identified, covering Safety, People and Culture, Plant Operations, Finance, Sustainability, and Stakeholders and Customers. KPI measures with corresponding targets were allocated to each objective area. Achievement of KPI targets demonstrates alignment with our strategic direction of ensuring the safe, reliable and responsible operation of our plant and driving continuous improvement across the business. Objective KPI measure Finance Target Actual Achievement of budgeted outcomes EBITDA/current ratio/ROA/ROE/ debt to equity ratio/EBIT Capital program delivered within approved base currency budget • Debt to equity <= previous year 1.72x • 1.61x Revenue growth > operating expenditure growth . Controllable costs <= previous year $28.4M • Dividend declared Project completion within +/- 10% of approved budget • 9.63% 8.29% • $30.6M . $8.47M -10% Objective KPI measure Safety Target Actual Products are costed in accordance with the agreed documented methodology and system control technical code as applied Documented methodology approved Approved Report lead indicators. Increase safe act observations Increase in incident and hazard reporting Reporting increased Sustainability Monthly allocated targets exceeded or met Targets exceeded and safety interaction reporting rates and improve quality No reportable environmental harm incidents Target = 0 0 Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) People and Culture Employee engagement survey outcomes Number of people - Full Zero LTIFR recorded 1 LTIFR recorded: Fingertip injury An ongoing overall reduction in CO₂ Continuous reduction on prior year emissions Darwin-Katherine Energy Storage System constructed and commissioned Constructed and commissioned No reduction on prior year emissions due to higher than expected demand Construction in progress with commissioning targeted 2023 Engagement survey result > = 60% 62% FTE SCI and cap FTE SCI and cap Stakeholders & Customers WESAS negotiated and approved Time Equivalent (FTE) Compliance training provided Training completed on time > = 90% 98% Plant Operations Critical plant availability across portfolio Total average > = 88% 92% (excludes Ron Goodin Power Station) Operating expenditure (less energy) as a percentage of total revenue Achieve Budget 33% 31% Operating expenditure (less energy) per sent out MWh generated Start reliability Achieve <= Budget $63/MWh $59/MWh Achieve > Target 95% across all sites 97% Identify new technologies and develop proposals to meet stakeholder requirements Customer and stakeholder plan Approved by Board and Shareholder Two proposals presented to the Board Customer and Stakeholder plan approved to meet benchmark Approved by Board and submitted to the Shareholder Two proposals presented Plan approved System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) for generation Target 10-year average Target achieved 15
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