Group Financial Results H1 2016 slide image

Group Financial Results H1 2016

Core Profitability Residing in the Cyprus Operations 2Q2016 Cyprus Vs Group performance (€ mn) 93% 92% 238 220 164 175 11 18 -92 89% -103 -11 Net interest income Total income Total expenses 95% 214% 128 135 7 Profit before provisions and impairments, restructuring costs and discontinued operations 1 % % contribution of Cyprus operations ■Cyprus operations 36 17 ■Rest of operations -19 Profit after tax and before one off items ■Group Healthy NIM in Cyprus operations Healthy Cost to Income ratio for Cyprus operations Steady Fee and commission income for Cyprus operations Total income (€ mn) (bps) Other income Fee and commission income 379 386 367 369 366 359 349 262 250 254 251 224 220 40% 41% 38% 16% 13% 14% 15% 15% 17% 35% 35% 35% 35% FY15: 373 1H16: 353 84% 87% 86% 85% 85% 83% 4Q14 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 FY14 1Q15 1H15 9M15 FY15 1Q16 1H16 1Q15 2Q15 3Q15 4Q15 1Q16 2Q16 (1) Bank of Cyprus KOINO KYMPI Profit before provisions and impairments, gains/(losses) on loan derecognition and changes on expected cash flows, restructuring costs and discontinued operations. 21
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