Optimizing Exploration and Development Opportunities slide image

Optimizing Exploration and Development Opportunities

30°0'0"S 15°0'0"S ..0.0.0 Opportunities in the Open Acreage The Open Acreage allows the market to decide when bidding rounds will take place and what areas will be offered In addition to the 691 blocks already available 377 new blocks will be added to the menu 75°0'0"W OPEN ACREAGE Brazil OIL AND GAS CONCESSIONS 3rd cycle: 691 blocks available Onshore: 448 Offshore: 243 75°0'0"W 60°0'0"W 60°0'0"W 45°0'0"W 45°0'0"W 30°0'0"W 75°0'0"W N On offer: 691 blocks OPEN ACREAGE Brazil OIL AND GAS CONCESSIONS 500 1.000 km 30°0'0"W 30°0'0"S 15°0'0"S ..0.0.0 30°0'0'S 15°0'0"S ייסיסיס 377 blocks approved to be added Onshore: 72 Offshore: 305 60°0'0"W 45°0'0"W 30°0'0"W On study: 727 blocks 500 1.000 1.500 km The 3rd cycle will start when any company declare interest in at least one area anp
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