Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

6.3.2 Parnaíba Complex We maintain the Parnaíba Complex in Santo Antônio dos Lopes, Maranhão, composed of the Parnaíba I, Parnaíba II, Parnaíba III, and Parnaíba IV natural gas-fired thermal power plants. In additional, we currently have two projects under development: Parnaíba V and Parnaíba VI. Contracted capacity totals 1.9 GW, of which 1.4 GW are already in operation. The energy generated is being sent in its totality to the National Interconnected System (SIN), in the North subsystem, within the ACR. One of the highlights of 2020 was the Hot Gas Path (HGP) preventive overhaul on two gas turbines at the Parnaíba I plant and one gas turbine at Parnaíba III, planned to take place every 32,000 hours of operation. Even in the midst of the pandemic, the manufacturer met the deadlines. At Parnaíba II TPP, we also carried out the inspection of boilers, vessels, and piping in compliance with the NR-13 regulatory standard requirements, and revitalized the cooling tower fans. At Parnaíba IV TPP, gas engines were revitalized as part of the year's overhaul program. After the overhaul, we performed availability proof tests with a result of 100%. The strong performance results from the continuous improvement of our overhaul process also encompasses our gas treatment assets. This work helped us improve the management of spare parts with adequate inventory to continuously maintain operations. The parts replaced during overhauls are repaired by the manufacturer, returned to our inventories for new use, and have no environmental impacts from disposal or production of new items. In addition, our overhaul improvement program aims to improve efficiency and, in the last three years, has enabled a 25% improvement in overhaul productivity. The Parnaíba complex is one of the largest natural gas-fired thermal power plants in Brazil and a pioneer in the use of the integrated Reservoir-to-Wire model. The complex uses gas produced in fields around the plants to guarantee energy generation at competitive costs with less environmental impacts, ultimately reducing costs and losses in fuel transportation. PARNAÍBA I Capacity: 676 MW Maximum Gas Consumption: 4,6 MM m³/day Agreement Expiration Date: Dec-2027 PARNAÍBA II Capacity: 519 MW Maximum Gas Consumption: 2,3 MM m³/day Agreement Expiration Date: Apr-2036 PARNAÍBA III Capacity: 178 MW Maximum Gas Consumption: 1,2 MM m³/day Agreement Expiration Date: Dec-2027 PARNAÍBA IV Capacity: 56 MW Maximum Gas Consumption: 0,3 MM m3/day Agreement Expiration Date: Merchant PARNAÍBA V Capacity: 385 MW Agreement Expiration Date: Dec-2048 Assets under implementation at the end of 2020 PARNAÍBA VI Capacity: 92 MW Agreement Expiration Date: Dec-2049 Assets under implementation at the end of 2020 ABOUT LETTER FROM ABOUT FIGHTING THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ENEVA COVID-19 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ENEVA 2020 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX PAGE 59
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