VUB's Market Share and Financial Services slide image

VUB's Market Share and Financial Services

FINANCIAL FIGURES BALANCE SHEET STRUCTURE Individual Balance Sheet as of 31 December 2018 EUR mln 16,369 Cash and balances with CBs Due from Banks' 1,748 Deposits from banks 16,369 992 127 -> Deposits from customers 11,056 Loans and receivables with customers 13,325 -> Balance Sheet (BS) is showing strong performance in commercial and sales area supporting the growth in Loans and Client Deposits, supported by merge with CFH consumer loans business Due to recent change by the regulator to even out the playing field for the bank and non bank market VUB decided to incorporate non-bank CFH into the bank business - apart from car leasing - which was merged into VUB Leasing The deposits from customers are driven primarily by Retail Financial Assets consist mainly of balances with Czech National Bank and Slovak Government bonds EUR mln Other Financial Assets Other Assets 869 301 Assets -> Debt securities in issue Loans to banks represent placements of excess of liquidity mainly in Group banks Other Liabilities 2,332 380- -> Equity 1,609 Due to banks comprise long term funding from EIB, EBRD and Short Term deposits from ISP Milano Liabilities -> Debt securities issued represent issued Mortgage/Covered Bonds Development Balance Sheet Loans to Customer Customer Deposits Securities Issued +13.13% 14,469 16,369 4Q2017 4Q2018 +15.99% +9.95% +3.55% 13,325 11,488 10,056 11,056 2,252 2,332 4Q2017 Source: Individual financial statements as of 31 December 2018 4Q2018 4Q2017 4Q2018 4Q2017 4Q2018 27
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