Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy slide image

Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy

Potential for battery recycling ~ Australia ■ In Australia right now the battery recycling rate is also very low. ■ With respect to Australian EOL batteries, around 22,000 tpa¹ are available for recycling, although most are not. ■ Volumes of Australian EOL batteries are expected to exceed 106,000 tonnes per annum ('tpa') and 218,000 tpa by 2035 and 2040 respectively1. ■ On that basis, and quite aside from crucial environmental considerations, the value of the contained metal in EOL LIBS in Australia alone could be as much as AU$3 billion per annum by the year 20362. tonnes 700 000 600 000 500 000 400 000 300 000 200 000 100 000 2012-13 1 Battery Stewardship Council Report 'Australian Battery Market Analysis', June 2020. 2 King, S. et al, 2018. CSIRO Report EP181926: Lithium Battery Recycling in Australia. August 2020 Raw material Projected Australian battery end-of-life arisings to 2050. 0 2014-15 2016-17 2018-19 2020-21 2022-23 2024-25 2026-27 Handheld (<5 kg) BESS & EV 2028-29 2030-31 2032-33 2034-35 2036-37 2038-39 2040-41 2042-43 2044-45 [Source: BSC report: 'Australian Battery Market Analysis', June 2020.] Lead acid (25 kg) 2046-47 2048-49 Li chemicals Lithium Australia NL Recycling Batteries 14 Copyright 2020, Lithium Australia NL
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