Scotiabank Earnings Report slide image

Scotiabank Earnings Report

19 Credit Provisions Continue to be Stable ($ millions) Q4/11 Q1/12 Q2/12 Q3/12 Q4/12 Canadian Retail 106 112 105 103 99 Canadian Commercial 29 24 15 15 33 135 136 120 118 132 International Retail 129 125 133 151 159 International Commercial 29 (1) 158 124 145 ៩ន 12 17 17 168 1761 Global Wealth Management 1 1 2 Global Banking & Markets 17 5 (1) 45 15 11 Collective allowance on performing loans (30) 100 Total 281 265 264 402 321 PCL ratio (bps) ex. collective allowance PCL ratio (bps) 38 32 30 33 34 on performing loans 34 32 30 44 34 Scotiabank (1) Includes the impact of Colombian purchased portfolio. The Bank expects the PCL ratio to rise with the maturity of the acquired portfolio. See pg 24 Purchased loans note of the 2012 Annual Report. Canadian Banking: Residential Mortgage Portfolio ($ billions, as at October 31, 2012) $79 $7 Total Portfolio: $156 billion Insured Uninsured 60% 40% Average LTV of uninsured mortgages is 54% $72 $25 $4 -$2 $17 $0.5 $12 $21 -$1 $17 $11 Ontario B.C. Alberta Quebec Other Freehold $142B Condos - $14B Scotiabank 20 (1) LTV calculated based on the total outstanding balance secured by the property. Property values indexed using Teranet and CREA data.
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