Deleveraging and Financial Overview slide image

Deleveraging and Financial Overview

Russian Operations Russian Loans (€ bn) 1,79 1,62 1,43 1,29 1,30 1,21 0,97 30.06.13 30.09.13 31.12.13 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 31.12.14 Russian Deposits (€ bn) 1,15 1,08 0,92 0,85 0,77 0,79 0,55 30.06.13 30.09.13 31.12.13 31.03.14 30.06.14 30.09.14 31.12.14 Based on the progress of the disposal process of the Russian operations, the said operations have been classified as a disposal group held for sale. In line with the Group's accounting policy, an impairment loss of up to the carrying value of non- current assets within IFRS 5 measurement scope (e.g. tangible and intangible assets and other non- financial assets) is recognised. As a result, the Bank has recognised an impairment loss of €84 mn, which is included in losses from discontinued operations in the Group's Income Statement. The total loss of discontinued operations for the fourth quarter was €214 mn. The total loss of discontinued operations for the year ended 31 December 2014 amounted to €303 mn. €299 mn of this loss relates to the Russian operations. Following the announcement of the Preliminary FY2014 Financial Results and as part of the disposal process, the Group's net exposure was reduced by a further €30 mn due to the increase in provisions for impairment of customer loans, reducing the Group's overall net exposure to €130 mn Bank of Cyprus KOINO WKYпPIW 50
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