TPG Financial Performance and Growth Strategies slide image

TPG Financial Performance and Growth Strategies

1 Fundraising for Existing Products TPG Capital Platform Growth Platform Impact Platform Real Estate Platform $7.3 $18.8 +37% TDM, 0.5 +37% Asia VII 4.6 $5.3 $13.8 TTAD II 2.5 THP Asia VI 3.3 2.7 TTADI 1.6 Gator 0.7 $9.4 $6.1 +64% TAC+ 1.8 +348% Rise Climate 7.3 $3.7 TPG VII 10.5 TPG VIII 11.5 Growth IV 3.7 Growth V 3.6 $2.1 TREP III 3.7 TREP IV 4.3 Rise I 2.1 Rise II 2.2 Prior Gen. Current Gen. Prior Gen. Current Gen. Prior Gen. Current Gen. Prior Gen. Current Gen. Note: All data as of March 31, 2022. All figures in $ billions. 27
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