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Pharma Update

Alecensa: Unprecedented Ph III results in adjuvant ALK+ NSCLC Continued >70 market share with further growth potential Roche Global Alecensa sales Alecensa performance update Market leadership in 1L ALK+ NSCLC globally established Growth driven by International markets Outlook . Continued leadership and growth in 1L ALK+ NSCLC globally • CHFM 800 YoY CER growth • +19% +10% +20% 600 +34% 400 200 0 HY 20 US HY 21 HY 22 Europe International Japan HY 23 • Expanding into early disease with ~45% of all ALK+ eNSCLC patients being tested at this stage* • Positive Ph III (ALINA) results of Alecensa in adjuvant ALK+ NSCLC results to be presented at upcoming conference; first-in-class filing ongoing • Ph III (TAPISTRY) tumor-agnostic multi-cohort study including Alecensa ongoing * US data; ZS Primary Market Research, August 1st Release; CER-constant exchange rates; ALK-anaplastic lymphoma kinase; NSCLC-non-small cell lung cancer ALECENSA alectinib 150mp capsules 61
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