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International Presence and Activities

80% ECONOMY IS EXPORT-ORIENTED, CLOSELY LINKED TO GERMANY → Slovakia is one of the most opened economies in the world. Exports and imports of goods and services relative to GDP amounted together to 190% (as of 2018), the highest level among the CE-4 countries → 80% (as of 2019) of Slovak exports go to the EU27, the highest share among EU members → Germany is Slovakia's most important trading partner. It directly buys 22% of Slovak exports of goods and probably additional similar share indirectly (being a key importer of Slovakia's other key trading partners) Share of export to EU in total exports (% share, as of 2019) Structure of Slovak exports by countries (% share, as of 2019) 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Ireland Cyprus Italy France Greece Germany Sweden Denmark Malta Finland Lithuania Spain Latvia Bulgaria Belgium Netherlands Source: Eurostat, Slovak Stats Office Croatia Austria Estonia Portugal Slovenia Romania Poland Hungary Czechia Luxembourg Slovakia 80.0% Others 30.7% Asia 4.9% UK 4.9% AT HU FR 5.6% 6.4% 7.0% PL 7.5% 7 DE 22.0% CR 11.0%
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