Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy slide image

Lithium Australia NL Sustainability and Battery Recycling Strategy

16 Material Process output Battery types Waste Envirostream business model Raw material Li chemicals Lithium Australia NL Recycling Batteries EV & hybrid vehicles 1 3 Electronics Power tools Energy storage systems Power generation NiCd Lithium (Li-ion) Nickel metal Alkaline Nickel hydride (NiMH) cadmium (NiCd) ↓ On-shore battery processing ENVIROSTREAM PROCESS Specialist cadmium processor Lead acid Specialist lead acid processor (in Australia) Steel Copper Aluminium Mixed metal compound EXPANDING THE BUSINESS Envirostream began commissioning its expanded facility in early 2020 and by the end of June 110 tonnes of EOL LIBS had been processed. The 2020 financial year('FY') generated AU$0.8 million in revenue. This figure is expected to grow significantly in the 2021 FY, with: commodity prices strengthening since March '20; ■ new copper and aluminum recovery circuits being commissioned, and ■ off-take agreements for recycled alkaline-battery dust (zinc oxide and manganese oxide) being negotiated. Already, then, Envirostream's LIB recycling capacity is improving the sustainability of the battery industry: ■ reducing the amount of toxic materials relegated to landfill; ■ establishing sustainable supply chains for energy metals (including nickel and cobalt), and ☐ helping minimise the environmental impacts of exploring for and mining new resources. And that's just the beginning! August 2020 Copyright 2020, Lithium Australia NL
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