Barclays H1 2023 ESG Investor Presentation slide image

Barclays H1 2023 ESG Investor Presentation

Barclays has adopted a holistic approach to Financial Crime Combined approach allows us to identify and manage relevant synergies and connections between the four key risk areas 1 Anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) Group-wide Financial Crime Policy Sets minimum control requirements in four key risk areas 2 3 4 Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML) Anti-tax evasion facilitation (ATEF) Sanctions Supported by: Twelve group-wide Financial Crime Standards and associated risk- Dedicated global Financial Crime function providing expert support based systems and controls and oversight to the business and our legal entities 43 | Barclays H1 2023 ESG Investor Presentation | 27 July 2023 BARCLAYS
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