Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

SUSTAINABILITY IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF EVERYTHING WE DO. We understand that we must constantly revisit the environmental, social, and governance impacts of our operations, not only to manage risks responsibly, but also to identify opportunities to allocate capital to new businesses that ensure the sustainability of our company. The Brazilian and global energy industries have been undergoing structural changes. The energy transition is a trend towards more and more energy with less Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Although Brazil has one of the world's cleanest electricity matrixes, its continental extensions and major social issues pose many challenges, particularly in the pursuit for democratic access to safe low-cost energy that is also sustainable from a social, economic and environmental standpoint. This report aims to share with society as a whole, the communities surrounding our operations, employees and third parties, suppliers, as well as shareholders and investors, the impact of our main actions throughout 2020, a year marked by unprecedented challenges in our history, which have encouraged us to rethink how we operate and our role in society.
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