Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position slide image

Bank of Cyprus Credit Ratings and Financial Position

• . Substantial progress against our ESG agenda BOC Oncology Centre Cumulative investment of c.€70 mn from 1998 to March 2023 60% of diagnosed cancer cases in Cyprus are being treated at the Centre CSR Program • >15 projects running in 1Q2023 under the pillars: Health, Education, Environment Network Support CY1 SupportCY1 Network: 174 members including BOC contributing >€880k to the society (monetary, products and services) from March 2020 to March 2023 Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation Environment <<AISTHISEIS>>: Continued multisensory museum experience promoting and facilitating the participation of vulnerable groups in culture and society RelnHerit program: Second year of facilitating innovation and research cooperation between European museums and heritage Participation of 4430 people in Cultural Foundation events between January to March 2023 (including 4 educational programs for schools) IDEA (Non-profit organisation, acting as incubator accelerator for start-ups since 2015) . • 89 new companies created and 210+ entrepreneurs supported in total through Startup program since incorporation c.€4 mn invested in startup business creation since incorporation Governance Social MSCI ESG RATINGS 1) 2) AA CCC B BB BBB A AA AAA Women representation at Board and Senior Management levels As at 31 March 2023: • • 27% of women representation in Group's management2 bodies as 40% at Board Level are female 39% for key positions below Extended EXCO are female ≥ 30% 27% 27% 2021 2022 2030 Target Our people • Winning moments training program launched in 2023 aiming to improve Customer experience through upgrading the customer service. Well at Work program continues into 2023 with new initiatives to enhance mental health, physical, financial and social health SupportCY is a network of companies and NGOs, created and coordinated by Bank of Cyprus since March 2020, with the aim to support the public services performing frontline duties during the Pandemic. SupportCY has become the leading network for offering assistance and support to the society in general. The members on 31//03/2023 were 174 companies and NGOs EXCO and extended EXCO 30
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