Westpac Financial Performance Update slide image

Westpac Financial Performance Update

40 | Contact us For further information Jim Reardon Treasurer Westpac New Zealand Limited +64 9 367 3539 [email protected] Sophie Johnston Westpac Securities NZ Limited +44 20 7621 7540 [email protected] Home > About Westpac > Investor Centre > Fixed income investors Investor Centre > Manage your shareholding Fixed income investors Useful links, forms and information 3.4 on managing your shares. 05 F15 Est. 16.02 15.13 Range 14.00+ > Dividend information Dividend history, payment policies, dividend reinvestment and dividend donation plans > Westpac share information Share registries, American depositary receipts, employee shares and share register profile > Other Westpac securities Information on Westpac's ASX listed retail hybrids, preference shares, capital notes and subordinated notes Chg 04 14 01 15 207 Range .59 .77 +0 Our strategy for stable and efficiently priced wholesale funding is twofold: build a strong and diverse funding profile and broaden the investor base, while applying prudent liquidity oversight. Unsecured funding Debt programs for Westpac Banking Corporation (WBC), WBC (previously of St. George), Westpac Securities NZ Limited (WSNZL) and Westpac New Zealand Limited (WNZL). > Unsecured funding Secured funding Details of our covered bond programs for WBC and WSNZL and outstanding securitisation issuance. > Secured funding Login to Link's Investor Centre Print Link Market Services manages Westpac's share registry. Manage your shares > Contact our share registry Link Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 1800 804 255 View contact details > WNZL and WSNZL Funding and Securitisation Programmes WNZL Disclosure Statement WSNZL Financial Statements Please visit our investor website: http://www.westpac.com.au/about-westpac/ investor-centre/fixed-income-investors/ Click on "Westpac New Zealand" or "Westpac Securities NZ Limited" > Financial information Results announcements, Annual reports, Regulatory disclosures, US reporting, and financial summaries > Westpac at a glance A guide for new investors, company profile and history, board of directors and executive team > Events and presentations History of Westpac's presentations and investor updates, full year results and AGMs. > Fixed income investors Funding programs, securitisation and covered bond reporting, presentations and credit ratings > Unsecured funding > Secured funding > Credit ratings > Fixed in presentations Global funding contacts > Westpac Securities NZ Limited Credit ratings Details of Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poor's short and long term ratings for Westpac Banking Corporation and Westpac New Zealand Ltd. > Credit ratings Westpac Securities NZ Limited A dedicated entity providing offshore wholesale funding for West New Zealand Limited. Includes key facts, financial statements, credit ratings for WNZL and other information > Westpac Securities NZ Limited Fixed income presentations Presentations for fixed income investors from Westpac and Westpac New Zealand Ltd (in PDF). > Fixed income presentations Global funding contacts Find names, emails and phone numbers for our global funding contacts in Sydney, London, New York, Hong Kong and New Zealand. > Global funding contacts Westpac financial calendar Shareholder information, important dates and announcements. View calendar > Get the latest > ASX announcements. share prices PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL
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