Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance slide image

Long-term Climate Strategy and Financial Performance

1 2 3 ...now entering the final leg of Group's repositioning enel European repositioning Footprint/asset base optimization NET DEBT IMPACT 2022 Latin America restructuring Sale of TX in Chile Disposal of Goiás grid Sale of Fortaleza CCGT in Brazil Exit from Russia Gas portfolio value crystallization in Chile Gridspertise valorization 5.92 €bn Sale of Argentina generation Exit from Romania 。 Costanera¹ 2023 。 Central Dock Sud Sale of Argentina distribution Exit from Peru Sale of Cearà in Brazil 1. 2. Deal closed It includes impact of assets classified as HFS and capital gain from stewardship model Stewardship and RES valorization Stewardship: Greece, Australia > Gas portfolio in Spain Crystallization of RES asset value 12.2 €bn 65 DE
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