APTUS Key Growth Strategies and Historical Overview slide image

APTUS Key Growth Strategies and Historical Overview

Comfortable liquidity position/Capital Adequacy A. Liquidity Particulars Unecumbered Cash & Cash equivalents Unavailed Sanctions from Banks Total Rs in Crores 30-Jun-23 497 400 897 R APTUS Ⓡ 26 FY 24 FY 24 Particulars Q2 Q3 Opening Liquidity 897 1,034 Add: Principal repayments & Surplus * Rs.1188 Crores Surplus available for business upto 525 565 from Operations Dec 2023 Less: Debt repayments (388) (411) Closing Liquidity 1,034 1,188 * Excluding Fresh Sanctions B. Capital Adequacy Capital Adequacy as on 30 June 2023 -75.38% APTUS™
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