State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading) slide image

State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading)

Independent Review of RBD Bangladesh's Development Labour rights in Bangladesh-Commitments and concerns Table 6.5: Comparing Bangladesh's Labour Rights Oversight with Other Countries' Authorities Category↓ Responsible authority Allocation in latest FY (% of total budget) Inspection authority Sanction capability Bangladesh Ministry of Labour and Employment Vietnam Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Indonesia Ministry of 0.05% (FY24) Department of Inspection for Factories and N/A Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs Manpower and Transmigration N/A Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Labour inspectors Establishments lack administrative Labour inspectors can adopt various measures sanctioning authority | including advice, and cannot directly impose fines. Nevertheless, they have the option to file a case in the labour court, but the resolution remains subject to the court's decision warnings, fines, work stoppages, license withdrawals, closure, and mandatory training. Inspectors can promptly intervene if there's an imminent danger to workers' health or safety, temporarily Penalties for labour law violations encompass written warnings, fines, work stoppages, and license withdrawals. Labour inspectors issue orders to employers, escalating to court suspending operations if cases if non- necessary. compliance persists. India Ministry of Labour and Employment 0.29% (FY24) Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institutes Inspectors' powers are limited to filing court complaints for labour law violations, with potential fines and/or imprisonment. Inspectors can issue warnings related to safety, health, or welfare. Inspectors can also issue prohibition orders in hazardous conditions until corrective measures are taken. Director General of Inspection serves as quasi-judicial authority, can impose fines on offending employers. Sri Lanka Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations 0.09% (FY24) Department of Labour Violating any provision may lead to prosecution, with potential fines and, in some cases, imprisonment. However, prosecution requires written approval from the Commissioner General of Labour. Source: ILO (2023a) Ministry of Finances' website for these countries. CPD (2023): State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2023-24 (First Reading) 93
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