Analyst Presentation Q4 Financial Year 2020-21
COVID 19- Wave 2 - Addressing Employee Critical needs
Category of Support
Medical Supplies
Oxygen concentrators
Employee Open Hour
& Staying Connected
Health & Wellness
Caregiver Leave
Salary Advance
Support for family of
deceased employee
Home Care
Support Available
Tie-up with medicine delivery portal to employees at their home/location
02 Concentrators provided at various project sites and office locations
Weekly open house with Company doctors to help provide a credible and clear source of information
Free counselling support is also available via our Employee Assistance Program
Temporary leave category introduced for employees taking care of their immediate family
10 working days (Over & above the current leave policy)
To support medical expenses that do not get covered by medical insurance, salary advance policy has
been modified to allow upto 6 months of advance and 12 months of recovery window
Dependent medical insurance till end of policy period & funding portability for 1 year
Company supporting with additional 25% of Term Insurance coverage
Tie-up with Doctors for Home care
Presentation Title
June 15, 2021
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