Diversified Leading Financial and Technology hub in Cyprus slide image

Diversified Leading Financial and Technology hub in Cyprus

723 1) 2) 3) 2022 Targets exceeded Net interest income Cost to income ratio 1 Recurring ROTE² NPE ratio 2022 guidance (November 2022) >€350 mn FY2022 €370 mn Low-50s 49% c.10% 11.3% <5% 4.0% Cost of risk Mid-40 bps 44 bps CET1 ratio ³ Supported by a CET1 ratio of 13.5%-14.5% 15.4% Excluding special levy on deposits and other levies/contributions Recurring ROTE: calculated as Profit after Tax and before non-recurring items divided by (average Shareholders' equity minus Intangible assets) Allowing for IFRS 9 and temporary treatment for certain FVOCI instruments' transitional arrangements 7
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