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International Presence and Activities

VUB COVERED BONDS OUTSTANDING ISSUANCES OVERVIEW (2/2) In 2019&2020 main focus on EUR 500 mln issue size – 3 syndicated deals → Continuing increased demand from foreign investors across all investor types. Funds/Insurances, Banks & CB/Ols AM, Pension → Foreign investors took 91% out of these issues, the biggest bulk to DACH region followed by Nordics → Total ECB participation (through the National Bank of Slovakia) just 3% Source: VUB Issue Description Date of Issue Maturity Issue Size ISIN VUBSK 0.25 26/03/2024 March 2019 5y EUR 500 mln SK4120015108 VUBSK 0.50 26/06/2029 June 2019 10y EUR 500 mln SK4000015475 VUBSK 0.01 23/06/2025 June 2020 5y EUR 500 mln SK4000017455 Distribution by Regions 9.0% 2.0% 4.0% 9.0% 9.0% 17.0% Distribution by Investor Type GER/AT Nordics 37.0% 44.0% 50.0% UK Domestic Asset Managers Switzerland Italy Others 3.0% 16.0% Banks CB/Ois Pension Funds/Insurers 52
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